Decide what you want to talk about. You first of all need to know how you want to name your blog. You must never write something out of the topic of your blog since you need to be consistence. To get more info, click You should ensure that the topic you have chosen have enough to write about and you must be familiar with the topic. The name of your blog should have a domain extension of your choice like; .com, .org or .net. You should also make sure that your blog name is unique.
Create a bog post and publish it. Take a look for more info. You should now go online by creating a blog post and sharing it with people and you must choose a good topic. Being your first time post, you need to choose the topic wisely and research well on the topic to create a good first impression.
Make money online. You can now start looking for money through writing advertising blogs. You will have advertising jobs. Learn more from